15 Questions to Deepen Discipleship and Develop Greater Dependence Upon God
- Is the Gospel precious to me? Do I have assurance of my standing in Christ, being confident of God’s love and acceptance of me? If so, how vivid is it?
- Am I seeking God with all my heart, regularly giving him my attention in the Word and in personal worship and prayer? Am I enjoying Him and seeking the fullness of the Holy Spirit?
- Am I being honoring, understanding and generous in my important relationships? Am I sensing God’s presence in those relationships?
- Am I consciously or unconsciously, through exaggeration or lies, creating the impression that I am better than I really am? In other words, am I a hypocrite?
- Am I walking in sexual integrity, submitting my mind and body to the Lordship of Jesus?
- Am I having any lustful attitudes, entertaining any inappropriate thoughts about someone not my spouse, or exposing myself to any explicit materials that would not glorify God?
- Am I practicing generosity and integrity with my finances, praying about how I spend my money?
- Am I being a good steward of my body (nutrition, exercise and sleep)?
- Am I exercising self-control when it comes to entertainment, media, and my internet consumption?
- Is there anyone whom I fear, dislike, hold resentment toward, or criticize, damaging them by my words, either behind their back, or face-to-face?
- Am I fulfilling the mandate of my calling, work, or school by practicing excellence and being the best I can be for God’s glory?
- Am I taking time for Sabbath rest?
- Am I living with gratitude and contentment, or do I regularly envy, grumble, or complain?
- Is Christ real to me?
- Who am I speaking to about Jesus?
How to Spend an Hour Together in Discipleship
- Arrival (5 minutes)
Leave five minutes for small talk as everyone is gathering together. Consider showing up early if needed. - Prayer (5 minutes)
Encourage someone in the group to pray, inviting the Holy Spirit’s presence to make your time productive and effective. - Scripture (20 minutes)
Ideally, each member of your group will read the same portions of Scripture each week. During Discipleship Group, a different person will lead each week. This person will choose a short passage from that week’s reading to lead the group in discussion over what God revealed to each person. - Accountability (15 minutes)
In preparation for group time, members should spend time examining themselves with the list of 15 questions (found on back) that serve to deepen discipleship, assessing their spiritual condition and areas of needed growth. Encourage members to journal their answers. During the DG, have each person share how the questions revealed evidence of God’s grace in their lives and revealed areas of struggle, needed growth, and accountability. Some Discipleship Questions may need greater attention. The DG is intended to be a means of grace in their life exhorting them toward progress through accountability and prayer. - Evangelism (5 minutes)
Have each person share how they are seeking to share their faith with others. Each person is encouraged to be praying by name for someone who does not know Christ, and seeking to introduce them to Jesus and his Church. - Prayer (10 minutes)
Close your time out in prayer for needs that become evident during the accountability time and for people your group is trying to reach with the gospel.